
Stepbrother M/M Romance Books to Spice Up Your TBR List 

Lately, I can’t help but gravitate toward stepbrother romances. There is something so striking about two men who are nearly family falling in love. 

Stepbrothers-to-lovers combines everything that we love about enemies-to-lovers and friends-to-lovers books into one taboo package. 

These books are hot, fun, and forbidden. Let’s jump into the list! 


10 best Mm Romance Recs For-15

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9 Hottest Stepbrother M/M Romance Books

It’s official, my step bro is the biggest himbo ever to himbo.

He’s a massive blond beefcake with a soft heart and an over-eager smile. The mere sight of him incites a shaking hot rage in me.

He’s everywhere. He’s around me all the time. So sweet and gentle it makes me feel wild. I see him and smell him everywhere. And when I can’t see him or smell him, I hear him. The wall between our bedrooms is paper thin. I can’t help it – I hear what he does in his room when he thinks he’s alone. I hear everything.

I know I shouldn’t do it. It’s obviously a terrible, terrible idea. Still, I bide my time. I wait, and I wait, and finally, I pounce.

“Luke! I know what you’re doing in there.”

Luke has my heart. He is the purest himbo on the planet.

I cannot think of a nicer main character I’ve ever read about. What’s even more wild is that Luke is still ridiculously likable and endearing. Usually the typical perfect and super-sweet main character is off-putting to me. Here, it’s perfection. 

Luke and Jessie are the best together. Luke takes Jessie, a ball of anger and aggression, and turns him into a cupcake. 

This isn’t a particularly taboo pairing as the two boys never lived under the same roof growing up, but it is still a super fun read that I highly recommend! 

I know this is wrong, but I can’t help myself when it comes to him.

My mom deserves to be happy after losing my dad to tragedy over a decade ago. But her blissful new relationship comes with a catch.

His name is Emery, my new stepbrother, and he’s the most infuriating, impulsive, chaotic, and strangely intriguing man I’ve ever met.

I’ve managed to avoid him for a year but then on our way to our parents’ cabin, we get lost alone in the snowy mountains of Utah.

That’s when pretenses and boundaries between us start to slip and fall away as we focus on survival. I begin to see the charming and sweet man he is. And maybe all the wild and ridiculous things about him that used to irritate me, are what make him truly perfect.

Emery is chaos personified. He can never seem to completely get his shit together.

Luckily for him, August seems to have it all figured out.

When the boys first meet, they are like oil and water. However, when their lives are on the line, the two boys find common ground and common attraction. 

Once again, this is not the most taboo pairing as the boys are all grown up before becoming involved, but Cora Rose was able to get some really good character depth with this book. Check it out! 

Of all the people who could have seen me when I was at my most vulnerable, it had to be him.

Caleb. My stepbrother and the golden child of our messed up blended family. We barely know each other, but for some reason he takes care of me when an incident at the club leaves me helpless and alone.

He hates me as much as I hate him, but something about his bossy attitude and unflappable calm soothes me. I don’t want to want him, but no one has ever made me feel the way he does.

Hooking up with my enemy is stupid as fuck. So is breaking my one and done rule for him. I know this, but whatever is between us will eventually burn out and I can go back to my solitary life and forget all about how amazing it feels to let someone else take control.

Stepbrother Dearest brings together estranged stepbrothers Caleb and Gray. Caleb is a nurse and the family golden child. Gray is a stripper at the local men’s club. 

After Gray gets into some trouble at the club, Caleb steps in to help him out. The two men then fall into a wild stepbrothers-with-benefits situation.

Gray and Caleb bring the feels and the fun with this one. 

I love you. You’re my home. Forever.


At first, when Cade and his dad came to the farm to live, I didn’t want a brother or a new father. Mom and I were doing just fine on our own, but when Cade walked into my house for the first time, I was instantly drawn to him. How was that possible? I never had a crush on anyone before, let alone a boy.


I have a secret. Two really. I’m gay and I have a huge crush on my step-brother. It’s all wrong but I want him more than breathing. Dillon is quiet and stoic, but sweet and caring. We do everything together and are as close as two brothers could be. How long can I fight my need for him?

How did we feel so right, yet also so wrong? We became stepbrothers at fourteen years old, keeping our love a secret for three years until we were finally discovered and torn apart. It took over a year to find each other again in college. But reuniting wasn’t so simple.

I love this book so much. Dillon and Cade are absolute soul mates who just happen to be stepbrothers. Experiencing them fall in love is so real and deep. I felt so insanely invested in their relationship. 

Courtney W. Dixon brought all the feels with this book. There is a ton of angst. 

Dillon and Cade have to work hard for their happily ever after, but it is so worth it. 


What happens when you fall for the one person you can’t have?

Ryan has had almost eighteen years of being compared to Cody, part of his toxic fractured family, so you’ll forgive him for some epic eye-rolling when it comes to Mr Perfect. Although not related to him by blood, Cody has always been annoying background noise in Ryan’s life. It doesn’t help that Cody’s a high achieving musician, while Ryan’s life ambition doesn’t extend past catching the next wave.

One summer changes everything. It’s the summer when circumstances collide, and Cody and Ryan end up spending time together at Cody’s family’s beach house. It’s the summer Ryan teaches Cody to surf and Cody teaches Ryan to play guitar. It’s the summer when they become friends.

And then more than friends.

But when summer ends, Cody and Ryan are forced back to reality, where they must hide their relationship from their warring family members. And as tragedy strikes and family secrets buried deep in the past worm their way to the surface, their relationship is threatened.

Can their feelings, which began in the summer sun, survive the winter ahead?

The Other Brother is actually the very first stepbrother romance that I ever read.

I distinctly recall reading this book and then thinking to myself that, even though the book was amazing, I would probably never get to read another stepbrother romance. I am so glad I was wrong! 

Cody and Ryan never lived together as children, but they did constantly have to hear about the other. This created some animosity between the boys.

A summer where they are forced to spend time together gets hot pretty quickly. 

There is a ton of angst in this book. The boys have trouble navigating their new relationship while keeping it a secret from their families. 

Even though I read this book a long time ago, I have nothing but fond memories. Honestly, I just might read this one again real quick. Join me! 

The hatred began when my father proposed to another man in a shocking moment that rocked my family to its core….

Now I’m on a quest for revenge against my father.
That means hitting him where it hurts—the new fiancé and the son he thinks so much of.

Alister Sommers.

Alis is a bleached blond perfectionist thorn in my side who’s used to everything going his way. Grades, money, track—he dominates it all despite his short, insignificant frame.

Was one dad not good enough that Alis had to take mine too?

Soon, we’ll be stepbrothers.
Until then, I vow to make his life a living hell.
Maybe Dad will regret his terrible mistakes.
Maybe he won’t.
I know I won’t regret wrecking their lives like they did mine.

I’ll give up everything, even my girlfriend and football, if it means I get a chance for retribution.

It’s reckless and risky, but I don’t have much to lose.
The havoc I wreak might ease some of the pain Dad caused my mother.
I’m willing to give it a shot.

What starts as a family feud will become a war…one I plan on winning no matter the cost.

There’s only one small problem.
I may have underestimated my opponent.

Feuds and Reckless Fury is another seriously amazing book. 

Alis and Canyon start out as enemies. Well, Canyon definitely considers himself Alis’ enemy. Alis is just trying to maintain his status as the perfect son to keep his dad’s love. 

The two boys’ clashing anger turns into clashing passion which turns into love. This is a great angsty enemies-to-lovers style of stepbrother romance. 

In a small town like ours, you’re either straight or you keep your mouth shut.

Being gay would be dirty.

Touching the guy who’s been your little brother since you were three would be dirty.

Falling in love with him would be even worse.

I protect him because it’s my job.

I resist him because I have to.

But when one night leads to two and two nights lead to more, lines are blurred and morals are tossed and my sanity takes a walk.

Now we’re risking everything we have for something we know we shouldn’t want.

And the only thing we’ll have left is each other.

Dirty Love is by far the most taboo book on my list. 

While they share no blood, Nicky and Kade were raised as brothers. They consider each other brothers. 

This leads to some wildly taboo exchanges between the two. 

There is also some drama with “their” family. The angst is definitely high in this one, but so is the heat. 


It’s true, I’m keeping secrets.
But I just found out one of his…

My new stepbrother is insufferable.
You’d think it wouldn’t matter since I won’t be here for long, but this guy gets under my skin like no one ever has. All-American, baby-faced, blue-eyed band dork and star soccer player. Everything about him is the picture of perfection—unlike me.
I don’t think Do Gooder knows I’m starting senior year late. And he definitely doesn’t know why. I’ve got secrets I’m taking with me to the grave.
Everyone thinks I moved to my dad’s small town to play varsity football, but I’ve got other plans, and DG’s trying to thwart them all. He’s making my life worse than it already is.
Having him around is a damn plague. But I can fight back.
I found out a little secret about Mr. Perfect. He plays for the “other” team. That ball bat he’s got stuffed into his gray sweatpants—it swings “that” way. The best part about this twisted game is when I find out it gets hard for me.
The Do Gooder…he wants me. I don’t know why. But I know how to make him pay.

Wrath is a wild ride. It is an incredibly long book that takes you on an epic journey. It really is like three to four books in one.

There is a ton of angst. At the start of the book Ezra is a complete mess, and it takes Josh a while to put all the pieces together. Luckily, Josh is one of the nicest people alive. He is the do-gooder to Ezra’s angry angel. 

Eventually the boys realize that they are better together and the pieces fall together. It is far from smooth sailing, but the end is absolutely beautiful. 

If you are looking for a super long book that holds on to you for a long time, this is the one for you. 

Kyran Harbor is everything I’m not.

Rich. Popular. A superstar football player who’s awfully broody for someone who has it all. Basically, he’s a preppy jock who hates me. Oh, and he’s also my stepbrother.

That’s right. We’re stuck together, sharing a school, a house… A bathroom. Honestly, I wouldn’t care… If he wasn’t such an uptight control-freak who messes with me just because we’re different.

I had every intention of avoiding him when we got to college… Until abrupt misfortune forces us both into a compromising position.

Now the grouchy jerk I was hoping to evade might be the only person who can help me out of it.

Avi Vega is everything I despise.

A dreamer. A flake. An artist who smokes too much weed and thinks aliens exist. And by some sick cosmic joke, he’s now my stepbrother, following me on what should’ve been my escape plan.

It was already a disaster. Add a sudden financial disruption to the mix, and let’s just say my options are heavily limited.

If I want to stay an all-star quarterback on the way to the NFL, I’ll need to do something drastic. Unfortunately for me, and my desperate desire for control, the perpetually smiling stoner has a plan.

Maybe we can stop hating each other just enough to pull this off. As long as we remember we’re only doing it… for the fans.

For The Fans is ridiculously popular right now, and for very good reason. This is pure enemies to lovers. Just with stepbrothers. 

The depth of this book will surprise you. You will be annoyed by Kyran until you really aren’t. Once I realized who Kyran was, I was just as gone for him as Avi. 

Honestly, the parallels between this book and Wrath just cannot be overlooked. If you liked one you will like the other. Go ahead and grab both at the link below! 

Hey, I’m Heather!

I read M/M romance books exclusively, and I help other readers find their next great M/M romance read. 

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