
Best New Release M/M Romance Books in October 2023

Here are my most anticipated M/M romance books in October 2023. There are quite a few great books being released this month. You can check out the entire list of every single M/M romance book releasing this month here. 

October has a lot books that I have been looking forward to reading along with some fun and spooky reads. Check out this list to see the ten books you can’t miss this month! 

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Halloween Party-19

Most Anticipated M/M Romance Books in October 2023

Fakers with Benefits by Willow Dixon

Release Date: October 4th

Just when I think my life can’t get any weirder, a mysterious stranger comes to the club and offers me a crap-ton of cash to pose as his boyfriend for ninety days.

The job sounds simple enough. Evan is as rich as he is hot, and he says he doesn’t expect anything from me other than my acting skills. If we can pull it off and fool his friends and family, he gets his inheritance. I get a new wardrobe, a huge payout, and a chance to see how the other half lives.

But as time goes on and I find myself becoming more involved in Evan’s world, I realize things aren’t always as they seem.

On the outside Evan is a buttoned-up, boring businessman. But when he starts receiving letters threatening not only himself, but also me, I find out who he truly is.



And the only person who’s ever made me feel seen.

Fakers with Benefits  is the second book in the Crimson Club series by Willow Dixon. This looks to be a strong continuation of the series after the first book, Stepbrother Dearest (you can find my review for the book here). 

I am a huge fan of stripper books, and Nick stood out as a character I couldn’t wait to read about in the first book. That combined with the fake boyfriends trope is sure to be a winning combination! 

Clueless Puckboy by Eden Finley & Saxon James

Release Date: October 5th


Straining my groin is bad enough. It puts my hockey career, my future, but even worse, my dignity on the line.

Having to get massages in that area from Vance Landon, one of the team trainers, is mortifying.

It’s impossible to hide my feelings toward him. If my constant blushing and bumbling doesn’t give it away, my body does.

It’s getting to the point where I wonder if hockey is even worth the embarrassment.

Trying to avoid him only makes him seek me out more. He’s determined to rehab my injury, but all I want is for him to leave me alone.

Or fall for me.

One or the other.


Ayri Quinn isn’t your typical jock … except for the fact he refuses to admit when he’s injured.

I’ve seen more than enough professional sportsmen lose the career they love due to injury, and I’m not having it happen again.

Especially not when the guy in question happens to be the sweetest, most awkward, innocent jock I’ve ever met.

When a night out leads to Quinn reinjuring himself, I create a care plan that keeps me hands on, literally. Unfortunately, working with him in close proximity brings all those feelings I’ve been trying to ignore to the surface.

I just need to get him better so he can be back on the ice and out of my bed.

Ah, my massage bed.

Because if this goes on any longer, I might mean my actual bed.

Ayri Quinn is impossible to resist.

Yes! I cannot wait for this one. Players and trainers getting together is one of my favorite things. Especially a blushing and bumbling hockey player with a very determined trainer.

Clueless Puckboy is the fifth book in the Puckboys series by the dynamic writing duo of Eden Finley and Saxon James. While I haven’t completely loved every book in the series, I think this one will be a winner. 

I’m Your Guy by Sarina Bowen

Release Date: October 10th

The furniture district is my personal hell. I don’t know my ass from an ottoman. But when a hot designer comes to my rescue, I realize my problems are bigger than the house I’m trying to furnish.
A scorching kiss over fabric samples makes me question all my choices. But is it too late to change my entire life to get more of them?

I need this gig, but my cocky new client leaves out a couple crucial details:
He doesn’t mention that he’s a famous hockey player. And he doesn’t own up to the way he’s always trying to undress me with his dark, broody eyes.
The man throws out more mixed signals than a broken traffic light. I’ve never been more sexually frustrated in my entire life. I need to back away before I do something stupid, like lose my heart.
Oops. Too late.

I’m Your Guy is the second book in the Hockey Guys series by Sarina Bowen. I mentioned the first book in the series, The New Guy, in my Best Hockey M/M Romance Books post. 

I really like books where a character doesn’t realize that they are interacting with or even dating a hockey player, so I am really excited to see that situation play out in this book. I know that Sarina Bowen will knock this one out of the park. 

10 Things That Never Happened by Alexis Hall

Release Date: October 17th


Sam Becker loves—or, okay, likes—his job. Sure, managing a bed and bath retailer isn’t exactly glamorous, but it’s good work and he gets on well with the band of misfits who keep the store running. He could see himself being content here for the long haul. Too bad, then, that the owner is an infuriating git.

Jonathan Forest should never have hired Sam. It was a sentimental decision, and Jonathan didn’t get where he is by following his heart. Determined to set things right, Jonathan orders Sam down to London for a difficult talk…only for a panicking Sam to trip, bump his head, and maybe accidentally imply he doesn’t remember anything?

Faking amnesia seemed like a good idea when Sam was afraid he was getting sacked, but now he has to deal with the reality of Jonathan’s guilt—as well as the unsettling fact that his surly boss might have a softer side to him. There’s an unexpected freedom in getting a second shot at a first impression…but as Sam and Jonathan grow closer, can Sam really bring himself to tell the truth, or will their future be built entirely on one impulsive lie?

10 Things That Never Happened is the first book in the new Material World series by Alexis Hall. At this point, whatever Alexis Hall writes, I read. Alexis Hall shows up on my Best M/M Romance Books of All Time list for a reason. 

While the amnesia trope is not one of my favorites, that isn’t an issue here as the amnesia is completely made up. I look forward to reading about how Sam will navigate coming clean about his supposed amnesia in a way that Jonathan accepts. 

The Daddy Arrangement by Jesse H Reign

Release Date: October 19th

Someone once told me I give Daddy Issues a bad name. I laughed at the time, but since I found myself living with my dad’s best friend, Stuart Wiseman, it doesn’t feel all that funny anymore.

Living with him is a nightmare. He’s super pedantic about everything. He took one look at me and decided I need help with adulting, and he seems absolutely positive he’s the man for the job. He’s hellbent on improving me, scolding me about this and correcting me on that.

Obviously I don’t take it lying down, I give as good as I get.

Things come to a head one night and I find myself staring down the barrel of a thick, angry index finger pointed close to my face.

“You’re playing with fire, Boy, and you’re headed for leather.”

Every schema I’ve ever used to make sense of the world implodes.

I’m furious. I hate it. Fully hate it. Hate every single thing about it.

Except that I don’t – and that makes it worse. Way worse. Some stupid part of me loves it. Some even stupider part craves it.

Lucky for me, Stuart knows a Daddy’s boy when he sees one. He offers to discipline and take care of me, to do the hard parts of adulting for me until I get back on my feet. Obviously, it isn’t a relationship. He’s literally old enough to be my father. So no, it’s not a relationship. Get your mind out of the gutter. It’s an arrangement…A Daddy Arrangement.

And that’s all it will ever be.


I have been absolutely loving Jesse H Reign‘s The Situationship series. The first book in the series, The Step Bro Situation, was so freaking good. It’s opposites attract with a step brother twist. It features one of my favorite characters ever, the ridiculously sweet (himbo) Luke. Then, the second book, Triple Trouble, is M/M/M double bi awakening. Need I say more? 

After these two fantastic books, my hopes are sky high for The Daddy Arrangement. Jesse H Reign is currently on a streak of using all my favorite tropes. One that I hope never stops. 

Prince and Betrothed by Tavia Lark

Release Date: October 25th

Sei has always known his power isn’t truly his. As a grail, his role is to serve another mage by augmenting their magic. Sei’s been looking forward to his betrothal with equal parts excitement and trepidation. It’s his chance to fulfill his true purpose as a treasured, valuable resource.

There’s only one issue, Sei’s new betrothed is the legendary Marek Dire. A dragonriding Draskoran prince, Marek achieves everything he can on his own strength. His dragon is the only combat partner he needs. Marek definitely has no interest in using his new betrothed as a grail.

No matter how much Sei wants to be used.

Prince and Betrothed is a gay fantasy romance. The Perilous Courts series is best read in order, and Prince and Betrothed continues the three-book arc about the princes of Draskora.

I have been absolutely loving the Perilous Courts series by Tavia Lark. Ever since meeting Marek in Vana’s book, the Prince and the Bodyguard, I have been looking forward to his story. 

I love the concept that Marek thinks he’s too strong to use the power that Sei offers and even desperately wants to give. This will be a very fun clash of wills. 

The Score by Beth Bolton

Release Date: October 25th 

Carter Maxwell knows he’s a screwup. Four teams in three seasons tells the story, as much as he wishes it didn’t.

But finally, he’s landed in a good place, where he likes the team and the team actually likes him. Even the Condors’ current rebuilding mode suits him. There’s a new owner. New coach. New players. New rules.

But one rule hasn’t changed: don’t seduce your agent-appointed c*ckblocker.

Ian Parker agrees to live with Carter and keep him on the straight and narrow for one simple reason: Alec, the agent in charge of cleaning up Carter’s reputation, has promised him something Ian wants very, very badly.

Even more badly than Carter naked above him and below him and next to him.

A chance for Ian to become an agent.

But Ian didn’t take into account just how persuasive Carter is—or just how desperately he desires to be persuaded. Or how, while spending time with Carter, they’ll somehow stumble into a fake relationship that begins to feel all too real.

It doesn’t matter that Carter’s never fallen in love or that he’s never been in a real relationship. It doesn’t matter that Ian’s risking his future as an agent.

He’s determined to score the impossible and reform the bad boy—only after encouraging Carter to misbehave one last time. But this time, only with him.

The Score is book three of the Charleston Condors series by Beth Bolden. I have really enjoyed this new football series, and I look forward to this fake-relationship romance dropping near the end of October. 

Mr. Blue Sky by Isla Olsen

Release Date: October 29th


Skyler Mason has had me wrapped around his little finger since we were seven years old. It doesn’t matter how ridiculous the situation, how inconvenient it might be for me, or that ninety-nine per cent of the time the mess is one of Skyler’s own making, one flash of those puppy dog eyes and it’s Jackson to the rescue.

Bringing him a fresh pair of underwear at work? Check.

Scaring off clingy hook-ups? Check.

Taking a week off so I can look after him when he’s sick? Check.

And it’s never bothered me one little bit. Because if Skyler’s happy, I’m happy. It’s as simple as that.

But now something’s happened, and for the first time in our friendship, I don’t know how to fix it.

There’s no WikiHow on what to do if your best friend suddenly realizes he has feelings for you. And even if there were, I doubt it would help; because no one else is like Skyler and me.

“Best friends” isn’t even the right term for it. We’re just us.

Or, at least, we were…

All I want is for everything to be how it used to. I don’t want Skyler to tense up when I go to touch him. I don’t want him sitting halfway across the room when we should be cuddling on the couch. And I sure as hell don’t want him staying out the whole night and not even texting to check in.

If I could snap my fingers and suddenly be attracted to him, I’d do it without question. But I know that’s not a realistic option. I’ve never been attracted to men. Truthfully, I’ve never been attracted to anyone… Not in that way, at least.

Love, on the other hand? That’s something I know a hell of a lot about.

I really think that this book is going to be something special. When M/M romance is done well with an ace character, it’s pure magic. Jackson’s love for Skylar is evident in just this short blurb, so I can’t wait to read an entire story featuring these two. 

My one concern is that Skylar is described as a playboy. I will be interested to see how Isla Olsen reconciles his playboy tendencies with being in a relationship with an asexual man. I am really looking forward to October 29th.  

The Hotshot vs. The Reporter by Nicole Dykes

Release Date: October 30th 

I’m the hotshot—both on and off the track. I know how to work the crowd and show off. And I’m good at it.
I’ve had to become very effective at putting on a show.
But my agent is not a fan of my over-the-top antics. So she did something I still can’t believe . . .
She called in the press—the media. Specifically, the reporter who hates everything I stand for. And now, he’s tasked with showing the world a different side of me.
Yeah . . . Good luck with that.

I’m a sports reporter, but I’m so much more than that.
My social media following has allowed me to be more. To do more. To try and help my corner of the world do better and be better.
I believe in accountability. I believe in integrity. And that sports professionals are obligated to be a moral compass to their fans.
I’m loud and outspoken about that point. Maybe more so with Royal Dutton—the loudmouth, crude racer with absolutely no morals.
And now, I’m supposed to find the redeeming side of him. I took this job to find something deeper within him. The good guy inside.
Yeah . . . This is going to be impossible.

This will be the second book in the On The Track series by Nicole Dykes. I enjoyed the first book in the series, The Pretty Boy vs The Bad Boy (You can find my review for the first book here). 

I am really looking forward to getting a deeper look into Royal. He is the best friend of Axel from the first book. I love the idea of finding the heart buried deep down in the bad boy. I look forward to seeing the chemistry between these two. 

Hey, I’m Heather!

I read M/M romance books exclusively, and I help other readers find their next great M/M romance read. 

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