
My Heat Rating System 

Heat, steam, spice, sex. Whatever you call it, M/M romance books are full of it. I thought that it would be helpful to understand what is (probably) going through my mind when I assign a certain number of peppers to a book. These are the general guidelines that I follow when rating a book. 

🌶️ – Nada

There is nothing. Maybe the characters kiss, but there isn’t even a fade to black where they imply that the characters are having sex. I haven’t read a book like this in a very, very long time. 

🌶️🌶️ – Fade to Black

There is sex! We just don’t get to read about it. These are the fade to blacks. 

🌶️🌶️🌶️ – Let’s Talk About Sex, Baby

We get to read about it! There is on page sex, but there is not tons of it. Or, its pretty subdued. This is a lot of the books that I review. 

🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ – Things Are Heating Up

At this point, there are quite a few sex scenes within the book. This is a lot of the books that I review. 

🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️🌶️ – Things Are Heating Up

This is the wild stuff. Think erotica. Think BDSM. M/M/M. M/M/M/M. M/M/M/M/M. etc. These are the few and far between books. This will be a few of the books that I review, but definitely not the majority. 

A few quick notes:


These ratings are pretty subjective. My three pepper rating could easily be someone else’s five pepper rating. Just as easily as it could be another person’s one pepper rating. 

Hopefully this helps give you a sense of the type of book you are about to jump into. Enjoy! 

Hey, I’m Heather!

I read M/M romance books exclusively, and I help other readers find their next great M/M romance read. 

Disclaimer – This blog contains affiliate links from Amazon Associates. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. These commissions help support the maintenance of this blog and allow me to continue bringing you content.  I only recommend products and books that I personally believe in and have enjoyed. Your support through these links is greatly appreciated.

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