
My Rating System 

I thought that it would be helpful to understand what is (probably) going through my mind when I assign a certain number of stars to a book. These are the general guidelines that I follow when rating a book. 

⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ – These are my holy grail books

I will probably reread a five star book many times. I will talk about it until everyone around me tells me to stop (or reads the book). These are the books that stick with you. That you think about when you are going about your life for years after reading it. 

I don’t give five stars lightly. If I assign this to a book and add it to my Best M/M Romance Books of All Time list, then you know it is the real deal. 

⭐⭐⭐⭐ – These are Really Good books

I like these books a lot. I will probably reread some of them. There are things I really like about these books, but a little something is missing. I absolutely recommend reading these books. 

⭐⭐⭐ – These are Good books

I enjoyed reading this book. My experience was more positive than it was negative. I was able to finish the book, and I would still probably recommend reading it. 

⭐⭐ – This Book isn’t for me

Something big did not work for me. This is a book that someone else may really enjoy, but getting through it was a struggle for me. I would have a hard time recommending or reviewing this book. 

 – This Book isn’t for anyone

How does this book exist? I probably didn’t finish it. I didn’t write a review about it. 

A few quick notes:

I will always rate these books honestly. I would say that most books reviewed will be a three star rating. This is because fours and fives are much less common. Also, I would probably not write a review for a book lower than three stars. 

I may add half stars depending on the book. Say a book is mostly a three, but there is an epic scene or quote that I love, then it would be a 3.5. A book that is a four, but has an amazing epilogue or a character that is just spectacular would be a 4.5 in my mind. 

Hey, I’m Heather!

I read M/M romance books exclusively, and I help other readers find their next great M/M romance read. 

Disclaimer – This blog contains affiliate links from Amazon Associates. As an Amazon Associate, I earn a small commission from qualifying purchases. These commissions help support the maintenance of this blog and allow me to continue bringing you content.  I only recommend products and books that I personally believe in and have enjoyed. Your support through these links is greatly appreciated.

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